At this unique moment in the history of the Church, we are living a “Kairos”, a time of grace marked by the synodal process convoked by Pope Francis. Synodality is not only a theological concept; it is a way of being Church, of walking together as the People of God. We are invited to listen to one another, to discern and build together the evangelizing mission that Christ has entrusted to us. For the laity, and in particular for those of us who are part of the Cursillos in Christianity Movement, this stage is a profound call to assume our active role in the life and mission of the Church, remembering that the Cursillista charism is based on communion and witness.
The Cursillos, from their beginnings, have been a school of formation for committed lay people, generating evangelizing leaders in their environments. This synodal time challenges us to live that mission even more intensely. The Movement’s methodology – based on the proclamation of the kerygma, friendship and community – resonates with the values of synodality. The “walking together” in the love of Christ is precisely what inspires cursillistas to transform their environments with small but significant steps on their “fourth day”. Now, more than ever, cursillistas are called to be a bridge between the Church and the world, promoting spaces of dialogue, welcome and encounter. Through our action, we can be that leaven that makes the Kingdom of God grow, collaborating with the pastoral renewal that the synodal process seeks.
This moment invites us not only to reflect, but to act. As lay cursillistas, we are called to contribute our experiences and charisms to enrich this path of ecclesial discernment, always in tune with the Holy Spirit. May this time of synodality be an opportunity to strengthen our communion, renew our commitment and live with joy the mission of being a Church going out./

Download the final document of the Synod