Let’s take the Cursillo experience to the whole world!
Let’s take the Cursillo experience to the whole world!
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A Movement that embraces, accompanies, and loves.

At the origin of the MCC, there is a special gift of the Spirit, an inspiration to bring the love of God to every person. The Movement wants to move forward by being faithful to this charism, in communion with the Church, following its pastoral indications, and attending to the world’s reality that it has to evangelize.

“The task of the cursillistas is to help today’s people to discover the beauty of the faith and the life of grace that is possible to live in the Church”.

Pope Francis in the III European Ultreya, Rome 2015

How it all began...

In the origin of Cursillos can be recognized the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that was
received and shared by a group of people, among them, Eduardo Bonnín, a laymen
with a preeminent leadership role, some priests such as Mons. Sebastian Gayá and
the then Bishop of Mallorca, Mons. Juan Hervás. They developed what today we would
call a new way to evangelize, reaching those who were far away from God and the
Church, what later on was called “Cursillos in Christianity”. (Fundamental Ideas 3, 9)

International Groups

Cursillo Movement facts and figures

See below some curiosities of the MCC.