First face-to-face meeting of the OMCC

The first face-to-face meeting of the new OMCC was held on September 4, 5, 6 and 7, 2023, with the participation of all its members, at the Casa San Juan de Avila of the Spanish College in Rome. 

For four days, the new team had the opportunity to meet face to face for the first time, to share, to celebrate together the faith, to be friends and to assume together and with enthusiasm a project at the service of the Cursillo Movement worldwide. 

The new composition of the OMCC, with the participation of people from different countries, with different experiences and perspectives in the CCM, has allowed a fruitful and enriching exchange, from a shared premise: to try to make the CCM grow throughout the world, in unity, in fidelity to its identity and attending to the reality of today’s world. 

A very broad work program has been developed, in which first of all, the fundamental principles of the service project that has been assumed were established; then the basic lines of this project were specified, and finally, the priority actions to advance it were established.  

It was a privilege to participate in the general audience with the Holy Father Pope Francis, to greet him personally and to welcome with joy the words he addressed to the MCC, encouraging it to continue bringing the Good News of God’s love to so many men and women in need. 

A meeting was also held with those responsible for the Dicasteries for the Laity, the Family and Life, to whom the project being worked during those days was presented. This project was very positively evaluated, and we were encouraged to work without discouragement for unity, ecclesiality and the evangelisation of today’s realities.  

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