My experience at the Regional Encounter of the Southern Cone 2024, of the Cursillos in Christianity Movement, in Aparecida, Brazil, was truly transforming. From the moment we arrived, there was an atmosphere of brotherhood and Cursillista joy that enveloped us all. Each participant brought with him a unique energy that contributed to create an atmosphere of fraternity and communion.
The theme chosen by the Latin American Group of Cursillos in Christianity (GLCC), organizer of the Encounter, as a guide for personal and community reflection is the question that Pope Francis asks us: Have you shared your encounter with Jesus? This question invites us to remember: “Yes, Christ counts on me and I count on his grace”.
In this meeting we had the opportunity for the 5 countries of the Region (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay), to live together and reflect on key issues for our Movement.
The days were full of significant moments, with Eucharist and meditations, prayers, presentations, individual and group reflections, as well as plenary sessions where testimonies, reports and realities of each country were shared.
The testimonies of brothers and sisters from different countries of the Southern Cone enriched our perspectives and reaffirmed our commitment to the movement. Listening to the different experiences and realities, their struggles and victories was inspiring and motivated us to move forward with renewed enthusiasm. There were also moments of personal reflection, in which we were able to meditate on our journey as Christian leaders and find new ways to serve in the Cursillo Movement, according to our original charism.
The organization of the event was exceptional, providing spaces for dialogue, formation and celebration. In addition, the cultural festivities and displays of local traditions allowed us to learn more about the diversity and richness of our peoples. I left the encounter full of gratitude and with the conviction that we are part of a great Cursillista family.
Undoubtedly, this Southern Cone Regional Encounter has been a milestone in my life of faith and that of many other cursillistas. I take with me fond memories, new friendships and a deep sense of mission to continue spreading the ideal of Christ, the Church and the Cursillos in Christianity Movement.
De Colores!
Diego Aranda Duarte.
Cursillo 35 – Zonal 3 Fernando de la Mora – Archdiocese.
Member of the Executive Committee of the National Secretariat – MCC Paraguay.