1st Meeting for the Organization of the World Ultreya Rome 2025

1st Meeting for the Organization of the World Ultreya Rome 2025

The path towards the World Ultreya of Rome 2025 has taken an important step with the first preparatory meeting, held September 18-20, 2024 at the historic Villa Cagnola in Milan. The Organizing Committee of the Ultreya, composed jointly by the OMCC (World Organization of Cursillos of Christianity) and the National Secretariat of Italy, has been working for some time virtually, and on this occasion held its first face-to-face meeting, key to the organization of this event that will gather thousands of cursillistas in June 2025, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Movements.

The World Ultreya, which will take place from June 5-8, 2025 in Rome, is expected to be a moment of deep communion, faith and mission for cursillistas from all over the world. The choice of Rome, the heart of Catholicism, as the venue, underlines the importance of this meeting for the spiritual renewal and evangelical commitment of the faithful, almost 60 years after the first World Ultreya, also held in the heart of the Vatican.

During this first face-to-face meeting, the spirit of friendship and joy, fundamental values of the Cursillos in Christianity Movement, was highlighted and lived in a palpable way among the participants. Friendship, a reflection of the commandment of fraternal love that Jesus left us, was the pillar on which the work together was built, in an atmosphere of authentic communion. Likewise, joy, fruit of the Holy Spirit, was constant, reminding us that service to the Kingdom of God is marked by joy and hope, even in the midst of challenges.

Villa Cagnola, a place of peace and beauty on the outskirts of Milan, provided an environment conducive to reflection, prayer and teamwork. Surrounded by nature and history, the members of the Organizing Committee were able to experience the grandeur of God’s creation while planning an event that aims to be a transformational experience for all cursillistas.

This first encounter was only the beginning, but it has already laid the groundwork for what will be a great event for the worldwide family of cursillistas. Following the Gospel spirit of unity, joy and service, the 2025 World Ultreya promises to be a celebration of faith, an occasion to renew the commitment to Christ and his message of love and fraternity.